
Creating the myth linda seger pdfescape
Creating the myth linda seger pdfescape

Myths are the common stories at the root of our universal existence. We root for the hero and celebrate when he or she achieves the goal because we know that the hero’s journey is in many ways similar to our own. They come from our own experiences of overcoming adversity, as well as our desire to do great and special acts. Some of these stories are “hero” stories. This might include the search for outer values such as job, relationship, or success or for inner values such as respect, security, self-expression, love, or home. They address our desire to find some kind of rare and wonderful treasure. Some of these stories are “search” stories. These are our stories – personally and collectively – and the most successful films contain these universal experiences. And it’s not all that different a story from the caveman killing the woolly beast or the Roman slave gaining his freedom through skill and courage. It’s the same story as the fairy tales about getting the three golden hairs from the devil, or finding the treasure and winning the princess. When James Bond saves the world, we identify with the character, and subconsciously recognize the story as having some connection with our own lives. We identify with the heroes because we were once heroic (descriptive) or because we wish we could do what the hero does (prescriptive). They deal with the basic journey we take in life. Many of the most successful films are based on these universal stories. The trappings might be different, the twists and turns that create suspense might change from culture to culture, the particular characters may take different forms, but underneath it all, it’s the same story, drawn from the same experiences. Whatever our culture, there are universal stories that form the basis for all our particular stories. We live the same stories, whether they involve the search for a perfect mate, coming home, the search for fulfillment, going after an ideal, achieving the dream, or hunting for a precious treasure. We share in the life journey of growth, development, and transformation. “Creating the Myth” by Linda Seger All of us have similar experiences.

Creating the myth linda seger pdfescape