The background check is conducted through a statewide license and record database. In 2013, New York enacted a law requiring every purchaser of a “commercial transfer” of ammunition goes through a background check before completing their purchase. The table below outlines the restrictions for each state. Other states restrict ammunition access through age limits or restricting certain categories of dangerous people. Six states have laws regulating ammunition sales and require background checks: New York, California, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, and New Jersey. While federal law prevents prohibited purchaser categories from purchasing ammunition, it does not require sellers to conduct background checks on purchasers to ensure they are not in said categories. Currently, the only federal laws regulating ammunition are limited to prohibiting sales to certain categories of people and prohibiting the manufacture, importation, and sale of armor-piercing ammunition. A 2013 Fox News survey found that about 80% of Americans support laws requiring background checks for ammunition purchasers. This includes the law that states purchasers buying from licensed dealers must present ID and pass a background check, or that high volume handgun sales are regulated. Many federal firearm laws do not apply to ammunition. While gun laws vary by state, ammunition laws vary by state as well. Without ammunition, firearms are merely as dangerous as other blunt objects. In the United States, firearm sales are subject to federal regulations and restrictions.